Route Description
POST /start Start test run
POST /setup Setup test without running
PUT /executions/:id/manual-start Manual start
PUT /executions/:id/stop Stop test run
POST /executions/:id/live-extension Extend test run

Start test run

Uses a simple multipart form upload to setup and start a new test run. It first creates or updates all necessary parts (the test case, test configuration, and scenario) as required.

See below for an example per scenario type and test runner source combination.

POST /start

Parameters and Examples

Scenario Type:
Test Runner:



Name Description Type Required
code Node.js script that each virtual user will execute on each iteration File
init Optional Node.js script that will execute once globally at the start of the test before any virtual users start File
teardown Optional Node.js script that will execute once globally at the end of the test after all virtual users finish File
java_version Which Java version to run your test with if applicable. Possible values: 1.8,11,17. Generally defaults to 1.8 if not specified though in some cases to other versions as required. Text
jmeter_testplan JMeter test plan file (*.jmx) to upload and use when running this test. To upload multiple test plans use -F "jmeter_testplan[0]=@/path/to/testplan1.jmx" -F "jmeter_testplan[1]=@/path/to/testplan2.jmx" File
jmeter_version Which version of JMeter to use or to just auto-detect it based on the test plan. Possible values include: 4.0, 3.3, auto. Default is auto. Text
jmeter_capture_subresults Note that all sub requests are made either way. This only controls whether metrics for sub requests will be captured or ignored in the results. Defaults to true. Text
jmeter_prefix_subresults JMeter labels are used as the resource name for aggregating results. For sub results if this checkbox is checked the parent request's label is used as a prefix. For example: Home Page => Defaults to true. Text
jmeter_properties[*] One or more JMeter properties to set at runtime (-J options). For example jmeter_properties[threads]=5. Text
jmeter_system_properties[*] One or more system properties to set at runtime (-D options). For example jmeter_properties[my_custom_flag]=true. Text
jmeter_properties_file A file with JMeter properties. File
jmeter_system_properties_file A file with system properties. File
jmeter_additional_args Any additional arguments to pass the JMeter engine command line (e.g. -LWARN would set the jmeter log level to WARN). Text
jmeter_plugins[*] One or more files to upload and include as plugins (i.e. in the lib/ext folder). File
jmeter_utilities[*] One or more files to upload and include as utilities (i.e. in the lib folder). File
Option 1
gatling_zip A zip file with all the contents for your Gatling simulation structured according to the Gatling standard including code, data_files, bodies, libs, etc. The zip file will be extracted on the test runners prior to running Gatling. File
Option 2
gatling_simulation A *.scala file with all your simulation code. Useful for simple simulations. File
gatling_version Which version of Gatling to use. Defaults to the latest version. Text
gatling_simulation_name The simulation class name to run. Passed as the -s parameter to Gatling. If left blank Gatling will run all simulations it finds. Text
gatling_users How many users to simulate per Gatling process. Passed to Gatling as the system property "users". Defaults to 1. Text
gatling_javaopts Any extra options to pass to the Java process at test runtime. Text
gatling_simulations_dir Directory with the simulations as structured in your zip file. Defaults to user-files/simulations. Text
gatling_bodies_dir Directory with the request bodies as structured in your zip file. Defaults to user-files/bodies. Text
gatling_data_dir Directory with the data files as structured in your zip file. Defaults to user-files/data. Text
gatling_libs_dir Directory with any extra libraries as structured in your zip file. Defaults to lib. Text
locust_file Locust file (python) defining your test class. Passed as the --locustfile parameter. It can also be uploaded as a files[*] parameter directly or as part of a zip file. In that case specify the name of the file with this parameter. File or Text
locust_host Host to load test. Passed as the --host parameter. Not required if the host property is specified on the Locust class. Text
locust_clients Number of concurrent clients per Locust instance. Passed as the --clients parameter. Text
locust_hatch_rate The rate per second in which clients are spawned per Locust instance. Passed as the --hatch-rate parameter. Text
locust_runtime Required for Locust 0.9+ only. How long to run the test for (e.g. 60s, 5m, 1h, etc). Passed as the --runtime parameter. Text
locust_requests Required for Locust 0.8.x only. Number of requests to perform per Locust instance. Passed as the --num-request parameter. Text
locust_log_level Locust log level. Passed as the --loglevel parameter. Defaults to INFO. Text
locust_classes If your module contains multiple Locust classes you can optionally specify which one(s) to run here. Use a space to separate multiple entries. By default all are run. Text
locust_step_load If true, will pass the --step-load argument to Locust. Text
locust_step_clients The number of step clients. Passed as --step-clients to Locust. If specified, locust_step_load will default to true if unspecified. Text
locust_step_time The time interval per step (e.g. 1m, 30s, etc). Passed as --step-time to Locust. If specified, locust_step_load will default to true if unspecified. Text
postman_collection The postman collection to run. Either a file or a path to a file within a zip file uploaded separately. Must specify either this or postman_collection_url File or Text
postman_collection_url A URL to a postman collection to run. Text
puppeteer_script The puppeteer script to run or the path to your script within a zip file that was uploaded. File or Text
playwright_runstyle Whether your test is utilizing Playwright Library (library) or Playwright Test (test) ( Defaults to library. If using Playwright Test you must include a zip file of your project that includes a playwright.config.[ts|js]. Text
playwright_script If using Playwright Library, the playwright script to run or the path to your script within a zip file that was uploaded. File or Text
playwright_conf_file If using Playwright Test, the relative path within your project to the config file. Defaults to playwright.config.ts. Text
conf_file For and Protractor only, the test runner configuration file. It can also be uploaded as a files[*] parameter directly or as part of a zip file. In that case specify the name of the file with this parameter. Defaults to wdio.conf.js for and conf.js for Protractor. File or Text
run_style For only. Either "script" if you want to run in standalone mode or "file" if you are providing a wdio.conf.js configuration file and using the test runner. In standalone mode selenium_primary_spec must also be specified. Defaults to "file" if a conf_file is set. File or Text
record_video Whether or not to capture a video for each virtual user iteration. Defaults to false. Text
auto_send_screenshots Whether or not to automatically capture the response from every screenshot request into the results. If you are already writing your screenshots into the Testable output directory, you may want to disable this feature to avoid duplicated screenshots in the results. Defaults to true. Text
auto_screenshot_trigger If set, Testable will automatically capture screenshots at the triggered time. Values: afterFailure (after failed commands), always (after all commands), afterFailed (after failed test steps), afterEvery (after every test step). Text
auto_screenshot_type If an auto screenshot trigger is set, this parameter indicates whether to take a screenshot of the browser or the desktop. Defaults to browser. Text
mocha_timeout If framework = Mocha you can set the timeout for your Mocha test execution. Defaults to 1 hour (3600000 ms). Text
mocha_args If framework = Mocha you can pass additional Mocha command line arguments via this parameter.. Text
child_logs Whether or not to capture logging from the Selenium,, and NPM processes. Defaults to true. Text
capture_network_metrics Whether or not to capture metrics from HTTP requests. Defaults to true. Text
capture_websocket_metrics Whether or not to capture metrics from websocket connections. Defaults to true. Text
selenium_main_class For Selenium Java the full name (including packages) of the main class to run. Not relevant for Serenity BDD tests. Text
phantomjs_url If you want to simply load a URL in the browser use this property to specify the URL. Only required if phantomjs_script and phantomjs_browser_script are not specified. Text
phantomjs_script The PhantomJs or SlimerJs script to run. Required unless phantomjs_url or phantomjs_browser_script are specified. File
phantomjs_browser_script An HTML file to load in the browser. Can be referenced in your script as __index.html. If this is specified, phantomjs_script defaults to a simple script that loads this page. File
phantomjs_version Which version of PhantomJS or SlimerJS to use. Current values include: Phantomjs-2.1.1, Phantomjs-2.5.0-beta, Slimer-1.0.0. Current default is Slimer-1.0.0. Text
phantomjs_childlogs Whether or not to capture logging from the PhantomJS process. Defaults to true. Text
har_file The HAR file to replay as the scenario. File
selenium_primary_spec The script to actually execute with Selenium Javascript (e.g. test.js or test.ts) or in standalone mode. Required for Selenium javascript and in standalone mode (i.e. run_style = script). Text
device The device to emulate. Possible values can be found at You can either pass the name of a device found in that list or a JSON that follows the same structure as the devices in the list. Defaults to Desktop 1920 x 1080. Text
language For Node.js based scenarios indicate whether the code is javascript (default) or typescript. Text
selenium_bindings Possible values include: wdio, protractor, java, javascript. Defaults based on other attributes that are provided when possible. Text
selenium_source Gives us more information about what you are uploading.
  • upload: You are uploading required files individually and want to be able to see and edit them in the Testable web app.
  • uploadAll: You are uploading a zip file with all files or do not need to view/edit the files on the scenario page.
  • uploadExecutable: You are uploading a single executable jar file.
  • uploadZip: You are uploading a zip with a Java project in the right directory structure. This will be unzipped and built on the test runner using either Maven or Gradle (auto-detects based on existence of pom.xml or build.gradle file).
Defaults to uploadAll.
framework For Selenium Java tests this can either be Serenity (if you are using Serenity BDD) or None (to run a regular Selenium Java main class). For Puppeteer, Playwright, and Selenium Javascript tests this can either be Mocha or None. Defaults to None. Text
selenium_version Selenium standalone server version. Current default is 3.141.59. Text
framework This can either be JUnit, TestNG (if you are using testing framework) or None (to run a regular Java main class). Defaults to None. Text
java_test_classes If using JUnit or TestNG, comma separated list of test classes to execute. Text
java_main_class If framework is None or not specified and java_source is not uploadExecutable, then this property specifies the full name (including packages) of the main class to run. If you are uploading code and want to be able to edit it on the scenario page make sure the class name ends with .java (e.g. If not simply provide the class name. Text
java_source Gives us more information about what you are uploading.
  • upload: You are uploading *.java files that need to be individually compiled. Default if
  • uploadAll: You are uploading jar files and specifying either a main class (if framework = None) or a comma separated list of test classes (if framework = JUnit or TestNG). Default if java_test_classes is provided or java_main_class does not end in .java.
  • uploadExecutable: You are uploading a single executable jar file.
  • uploadZip: You are uploading a zip with a Java project in the right directory structure. This will be unzipped and built on the test runner using either Maven or Gradle (auto-detects based on existence of pom.xml or build.gradle file).
java_build_tool Set to either maven or gradle if you are uploading a project with source code you want to build. Not necessary if you set java_source = uploadZip and the root of your project has either a pom.xml or build.gradle. Text
java_build_tool_args The arguments to pass maven or gradle if you are providing a project zip to build and run. Text
java_system_propties[name] Any additional system properties to pass to the java runtime. For example java_system_properties[foo]=bar will get passed as -Dfoo=bar to your scenario. Text
node_version Which Node.js version to run your test with if applicable. Possible values: 10,14,18,latest. Default to latest. Text
root_folder If all of your project files are in a subdirectory specify that relative path here. Your test will run from that subdirectory if specified. Text
additional_setup_command Specify an additional shell command to run before your test starts on each test runner Text
assertions_exclusion_pattern Comma separated list of regular expression patterns. If the test step matches any of your exclusion patterns it will not be reported back to Testable. Text
assertions_exclude_skips Whether or not to filter out skipped test steps from the Assertions reporting on Testable. false by default (i.e. skipped test steps are reported). Text
teardown_command Specify a shell command to run after your test finishes on each test runner Text
Browsers/Devices: A list of browsers and devices to run your test on. These will be distributed across the virtual users evenly or according to the weights specified. Any browser version specified in your scenario will be ignored in favor of the one assigned here if you use this feature. To set only the device for all virtual users without changing the browser/version you can use the device parameter described above.
Name Description Type Required
devices[*].browser Which browser to launch for this device. Possible values include chrome, firefox. Defaults to chrome. Text
devices[*].version The browser version to launch. Possible values can be found at Defaults to Latest which will always use the latest supported version. Text
devices[*].device The device to emulate. Possible values can be found at You can either pass the name of a device found in that list or a JSON that follows the same structure as the devices in the list. Defaults to Desktop 1920 x 1080. Text
devices[*].weight The weight of this device relative to the others. Weights do not need to sum up to 100. For example if you specify two devices with weights 1 and 2 then the first device would be assigned to 1/3 of the concurrent users and the second device to 2/3. By default all devices are distributed evenly across the concurrent users. Text

Common Parameters

Name Description Type Required
virtual_users The total number of virtual users to distribute across the instances/engines. (virtual_users / instances) is passed to each JMeter engine as JMeter property threads and accessible via the ${__P(threads)} JMeter syntax. Text
virtual_users The total number of virtual users to distribute across the instances/engines. (virtual_users / instances) is passed to each Gatling engine as system property users and accessible via the Integer.getInteger("users") syntax. Text
virtual_users The total number of virtual users to distribute across the instances/engines. (virtual_users / instances) is passed to each Locust engine via the --clients parameter. Text
instances Total number of instances to run as part of this test Text
test_type Type of test: Load (default), Functional, or Monitor. If unset or Load then you must specify either a number of iterations or a duration. Text
rampup_secs The rampup for each JMeter engine. Passed to each JMeter engine as JMeter property rampup and accessible via the ${__P(rampup)} JMeter syntax. Text
duration_secs The duration each JMeter engine should run for. Passed to each JMeter engine as JMeter property duration and accessible via the ${__P(duration)} JMeter syntax. Text
duration_secs The duration each Gatling engine should run for. Passed to each Gatling engine as system property duration and accessible via the Integer.getInteger("duration") syntax. Text
duration_mins The total runtime for each Locust engine in minutes. Passed to each Locust engine via the --runtime parameter. Text
concurrent_users Total number of concurrent users to simulate as part of this test. Text
duration_mins Duration (in minutes) of the test after the ramp up time is finished. Each virtual user will keep looping through the scenario over and over until the specified duration has passed. Testable waits for the currently running iteration of each virtual user to complete before ending the test instead of killing them abruptly when the duration has been reached. Either duration_mins or iterations is required. Text
iterations Number of iterations of the scenario that each virtual user will run. Either duration_mins or iterations is required. Text
rampup_mins Number of minutes over which to ramp up from 0 virtual users to the specified number. Defaults to 0 minutes. Text
testcase_name Name of the test case. A test case provides a logical grouping for one or more test configurations and scenarios. Defaults to "Main Test Case". You can also specify testcase_folder if you want this test case to go somewhere other than the root folder (e.g. /Folder1/Nested2). Text
scenario_name Name of the scenario. This name is auto-generated for you if not specified. Text
conf_name Name of the test configuration. This name is auto-generated for you if not specified. Text
view Upload a custom view and set it as the default for this test case. Create a custom view on the Testable website and then download the definition file using the action menu in the upper right of the test results => Export View Definition. File
params[*] Any scenario parameters. Param keys are setup on the test configuration and values are set on the test configuration. Example: params[threads]=5. If you want a parameter to be encrypted, also pass params[threads].encrypted=true. Text
files[*] Any additional files that are required to run your scenario including CSVs, data files, etc. File
repo_url If you want your scenario to be linked to a git repository specify the URL here. The respository will be cloned onto the test runner at the the time of test execution. You can either set up any authentication via before hand if the repository is not publicly available or pass it here. For username auth use properties repo_username and repo_token parameters. For privte key auth use repo_pvt_key_name (defaults to id_rsa) and repo_pvt_key_contents which can either be the pvt key itself or a reference to a file. Text
platform Which OS do you want to host the test runner instances spun up as part of this test. Possible values are \[blank\], linux, win32. Linux: runs in a Docker container that uses a minimal Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as the base system (phusion/baseimage). Windows: Run on Microsoft Windows 2016 Datacenter edition with Containers. Text
iteration_sleep_secs Number of seconds each virtual user sleeps between iterations of the scenario. Defaults to 10 seconds. Text
percentiles For all timing metrics like latency, a comma separated list of what percentiles to capture. Defaults to 50,95,99. Decimal notation is supported (e.g. 50,95,99,99.9,99.99). Text
manual_start If set to true, Testable will wait for the user to manually start the test after all test runners are allocated and initialized. Test can be manually triggered via the results page or using the PUT /executions/:id/manual-start route. Text
results_tags Comma separated list of tags to apply to the test result for grouping/querying later. Example: tag1,tag2. Optional. Text
max_duration_mins Optional number of minutes after which Testable will hard stop the test. By default we let your scenario keep running until it finishes. Text
start_concurrent_users Used to setup a step function for load generation. Testable will start with this number of virtual users and steadily add step virtual users across the duration of the test. If specified you must also specify step and duration_mins Text
step Required if start_concurrent_users_per_region is specified. This indicates the number of users to add on each step as Testable builds from the starting number to the final one concurrent_users_per_region across the duration_mins. Text
note Note for the execution Text
Test Runner
testrunners_multiplier Numeric value (default = 1) indicating how much to scale up or down the VM resources assigned to each virtual user. By default (i.e. multiplier = 1), Testable assigns virtual users resources as follows:
  • JMeter, Gatling, Locust: Every engine gets 2 vCPU + 8GB RAM
  • Node.js Script, Postman, Recording: Every 100 virtual users get 2 vCPU + 8GB RAM
  • Selenium: Every 3 virtual users get 2 vCPU + 8GB RAM
  • Playwright, Puppeteer: Every 5 virtual users get 2 vCPU + 8GB RAM
  • Selenium/Puppeteer/Playwright Remote or Live Test: Each session get 2 vCPU + 4GB RAM.
So for example if you have a Node.js script with 100 virtual users and you specify multiplier = 2 then every 50 VUs will get 2 vCPU + 8 GB RAM. The generally valid range is 0.0625 - 16. Exceptions: a) min multiplier for Selenium = 0.5, b) min multiplier for Puppeteer/Playwright = 0.25.
testrunners_clientips The number of client IPs from which to run the virtual users. Cannot be less than 1 or bigger than the number of virtual users. Depending on the number of VUs and the resource multiplier there could be further limitations. Text
testrunners_tags[key] One or more tags to apply to all instances spun up as part of this test. For example testrunner_tags[Cost Center]=19824 Text
testrunners_spot Boolean indicating whether or not to use spot instances to run your test. Defaults to false. Text
Shared Test Runners
conf_testrunners[*].regions A comma separated list of region names. Possible values for the public shared grid include: aws-us-east-1, aws-us-west-2, aws-ap-south-1, aws-ap-southeast-1, aws-ap-southeast-2, aws-eu-central-1, aws-eu-west-1. For a private self-hosted regions use whatever region name you chose when launching your test runners. Text
conf_testrunners[*].weight A comma separated list of weights for each region specified in the regions attribute. VUs are spread evenly across the chosen regions by default. Weights do not need to add up to 100. For example if you have 3 regions, 25 VUs total, and specify 100,100,50 for your weights you would get 10 VUs each in the first two regions and 5 VUs in the 3rd region. Text
conf_testrunners[*].public Boolean indicating whether this configuration is for the public shared grid or your private self-hosted region. Defaults to true. Text
conf_testrunners[*].required_tags A comma separated list of tags that each test runner chosen must have. See the self-hosted test runners guide for more details on the AGENT_TAG environment variable used to indicate which tags a test runner has. Text
allow_shared_runners If true and all test runners in any of your chosen regions are busy running other tests, Testable will not wait and instead run your test alongside another one. False by default. Text
max_runners Limit the number of test runners your test will be assigned to. By default Testable will utilize as many of the free test runners as possible. So for example if you have a test with 10 VUs and 10 runners, by default Testable will assign 1 VU to each runner. If you set this field to 5 it would assign 2 VUs to 5 runners and not utilize the other 5. Text
reassign_on_fail Whether or not to reassign the test (or part of the test on a particular test runner for load tests) to a different test runner on failure. If not specified here the value will be taken from the organization settings (Org Management => Settings => Test Runner Related => Reassignment). Text
Per Test Region
conf_testrunners[*].regions[*].name The region name in which to spin the instances. Any public AWS region is available including us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, eu-central-1, eu-west-1. Text
conf_testrunners[*].regions[*].instance_type Instance type to launch. Defaults to m4.large. Text
conf_testrunners[*].regions[*].instances Number of EC2 instances to launch for this test. Defaults to Testable's automatic recommendation based on the instance type, scenario type, and number of concurrent users. Text
conf_testrunners[*].regions[*].spot_max_price Maximum price for spot instances. If specified, Testable will launch spot instances for your test. Text
conf_testrunners[*].regions[*].instance_type Instance type to launch. Defaults to e2-standard-2. Text
conf_testrunners[*].regions[*].instances Number of VM instances to launch for this test. Defaults to Testable's automatic recommendation based on the instance type, scenario type, and number of concurrent users. Text
conf_testrunners[*].regions[*].spot_max_price Maximum price for spot instances. If specified, Testable will launch spot instances for your test. Text
conf_testrunners[*].regions[*].instance_type Instance type to launch. Defaults to Standard_D2_v2. Text
conf_testrunners[*].regions[*].instances Number of VMs in the VM scale set launched for this test. Defaults to Testable's automatic recommendation based on the instance type, scenario type, and number of concurrent users. Text
Test Runner Source
conf_testrunners[*].name Name of the test runner source when setting up your own AWS account as a source. Defaults to "My Aws" if not specified. If you setup your source via the website, you do not need to specify the access key or cross account role here. Text
conf_testrunners[*].aws_role_arn AWS cross account role that grants Testable the access necessary to spin up self hosted EC2 instances. This is an alternative to providing credentials directly. Text
conf_testrunners[*].aws_role_external_id AWS external ID for cross account role access to provide additional security. Text
conf_testrunners[*].aws_access_key_id AWS Access Key ID. Required if using credentials based access for per-test EC2 test runners. Text
conf_testrunners[*].aws_secret_key AWS Secret Key. Required if using credentials based access for self hosted EC2 test runners. Text
conf_testrunners[*].vpc The VPC in which to spin up instances. If not chosen the default VPC in your AWS account is used. Text
conf_testrunners[*].subnet The subnet in which to spin up instances. If not chosen one is chosen at random from within the VPC. Text
conf_testrunners[*].key_pair Key pair name for connecting via SSH to any instances spun up as part of your test. First one in the list within your account is chosen by default. Text
conf_testrunners[*].t2_unlimited For t2 family instances, a boolean indicating whether to enable CPU bursting using the T2 Unlimited feature. Defaults to true. Text
conf_testrunners[*].elastic_ips To assign elastic IPs to the test runner instances either set this field to "any" which will use any available elastic IP address in your account if self-hosted or any allocated elastic IPs if Testable hosted. You can also specify a comma separated list of public IPs to choose a specific set of elastic IPs. If empty, elastic IPs will not be enabled. Text
conf_testrunners[*].elastic_ips_force_associate Only applicable if elastic IPs are enabled. If set to true then elastic IPs will be reassociated to test runner instances even if they are currently associated with another EC2 instance. Text
conf_testrunners[*].name Name of the test runner source when setting up your own Azure account as a source. Defaults to "My Azure" if not specified. Text
conf_testrunners[*].azure_tenant_id Azure Tenant ID. See our Azure self-hosted guide for more details. Required for self hosted Azure VM scale set test runners. Text
conf_testrunners[*].azure_subscription_id Azure Subscription ID. See our Azure self-hosted guide for more details. Required for self hosted Azure VM scale set test runners. Text
conf_testrunners[*].azure_client_id Azure Client ID. See our Azure self-hosted guide for more details. Required for self hosted Azure VM scale set test runners. Text
conf_testrunners[*].azure_client_secret Azure Client Secret. See our Azure self-hosted guide for more details. Required for self hosted Azure VM scale set test runners. Text
conf_testrunners[*].resource_group The Azure resource group to launch all resource into. Defaults to "testable_[region]" if not specified. Text
conf_testrunners[*].network The Azure virtual network in which to launch the VM scale set. Defaults to "testable-vnet-[region]" if not specified. Text
conf_testrunners[*].subnet The subnet within the chosen network in which to launch the VM scale set. Defaults to Looking for a subnet called "agents" first and if not found using a random subnet that already exists. If no subnet exists in the network, one called "agents" will be created. Text
conf_testrunners[*].storage_account The storage account within the chosen resource group to use for copying the Testable VM image blob. Defaults to using the first storage account found if none is specified. If no storage account exists in the resource group, one with a random name is created. Text
conf_testrunners[*].low_priority Whether or not to create low priority VMs in the scale set. Defaults to false. Text
conf_testrunners[*].image Defaults to the standard test runner image (agent-external). To use the Flash enabled image use agent-flash-external. Text
conf_testrunners[*].tags[key] One or more tags to apply to all instances spun up as part of this test. For example conf_testrunners[0].tags[Cost Center]=19824 Text
conf_testrunners[*].name Name of the test runner source when setting up your own GCP account as a source. Defaults to "My GCP" if not specified. Text
conf_testrunners[*].gcp_service_account GCP Service Account JSON. You can specify then JSON as text or you can upload the file using -F "gcp_service_account=@/my/local/path/to/service.json" . See our GCP self-hosted guide for more details. Required for self hosted GCP VM instance test runners. Text
conf_testrunners[*].network GCP Network. See our GCP self-hosted guide for more details. Required for self hosted GCP VM instance test runners. Text
conf_testrunners[*].zone GCP Zone. See our GCP self-hosted guide for more details. Optional for self hosted GCP VM instance test runners. If not selected, then Testable will select a random zone for the specified region Text
conf_testrunners[*].subnet GCP Subnet. See our GCP self-hosted guide for more details. Required for self hosted GCP VM instance test runners. Text
Notifications Configure one or more notification targets for your test run. If not specified the organization default notifications are used (as configured via Org Management => Settings => Notifications).
notifications[*].medium Possible values: Email, Text, WhatsApp, Voice, HTTP. Case sensitive. Text
notifications[*].target The target(s) for the notification. Either a comma separated list of email addresses, phone numbers, or URLs depending on the medium. For HTTP notifications you can optionally choose to mask certain sensitive parts of a URL when it's printed to the test log. To do this instead of you would specify secure:[sensitivetext]. In secure URLs you can escape the [ character with a backslash before it (\[). Text
notifications[*].on_success Possible values: None (no notification on success), Always (notification on success always), or First (notification on the first success after a failure). Defaults to Always. Text
notifications[*].on_failure Possible values: None (no notification on failure), Always (notification on failure always), or First (notification on the first failure after a success). Defaults to Always. Text
notifications[*].failure_consecutive_times How many consecutive times does the test need to fail before it is considered a failure. Defaults to 1. Text
notifications[*].via_runner Boolean. For HTTP notifications whether or not to send the notification via the test runner when the test is run on self-hosted runners. Defaults to false. This is useful if you need the notification to originate from inside of your network. Text
KPIs One or more key performance indicators (KPIs) can be set to define what you consider a successful test run.
kpis[*].expr A few quick examples:
  • Response Time[p99] < 1500ms
  • Outcome[success] > 95%

An expression that specifies a KPI for your test. The format depends on the kind of metric you want to define the KPI for. See our metrics guide for a list of valid metric names and our custom metrics guide for more details on the possible metric type. For custom metrics the format for metric_name is [namespace]/[name] with namespace defaulting to User if not provided.

  • Counter: metric_name op value. For example: Max Concurrent Users >= 100
  • Timing: metric_name[aggregator] op value. For example: Response Time[p99] < 1500ms. Possible aggregator values: median, mean, sd, var, min, max, count, and percentiles (e.g. p50, p95, p99).
  • Histogram: metric_name[bucket] op value. For example: Outcome[success] > 95%. If the expression ends with "%" the KPI is defined on the percent that bucket is of the histogram total otherwise it evaluates the raw count in that bucket.
  • Metered: metric_name[total|largest] op value. For example: CPU % < 95% or Memory % < 85%. largest (default option) means the peak observed value on any one test runner. total is the peak sum at any point in time across all test runners that are a part of your test.
kpis[*].break_on_fail Boolean. If set to true, the KPI will be continuously evaluated as the test runs. As soon as the KPI is no longer met the test will be stopped. Defaults to false. Text
kpis[*].type Four possible types of KPIs (defaults to value):
  • value: Evaluate the value of the metric across the entire test.
  • change: Evaluate the change in the value of this metric between this test and a weighted average of up to 10 recent test runs. This type of KPI is always considered successful the first run of a test configuration.
  • active_value (only allowed if break_on_fail=true): Evaluate the value of the metric in the most recent 1 minute window while the test is running.
  • active_change (only allowed if break_on_fail=true): Evaluate the change in the value of the metric minute over minute while the test is running.
kpi_break_eq_test_fail If one or more KPIs have break_on_fail=true and the breaking point is hit, this setting controls whether the test is then automatically considered a failure. Defaults to true. Text
kpis[*].resource If set, the KPIs will be evaluated against metrics for the specific resource. Text
kpis[*].resource_chooser Possible values: Max, Min. If set, the KPIs will be evaluated against metrics for the resource with the max or min value for the KPI metric among all resources within the test. Defaults to Max if kpis[*].level is set to ByResource as well. Text
billing_strategy Either MinimizeCost (default) or ASAP. Definitions:
  • MinimizeCost: Run this test only when it can be done at the cheapest possible price or utilizing the fewest possible consumable units (e.g. test runner hours, virtual user hours, monitors, etc). Queue test to run later if that is not possible now. For example: if you have a 2 browser sessions plan + a pay-as-you-go plan and there are already 2 browser sessions in progress Testable will not try to use the pay as you go plan to run your test and instead wait until one of the browser sessions is available for use.
  • ASAP: Run this test as soon as possible regardless of cost. If multiple plans are available right now to pay for your test the cheapest option will still be used. For example: if you have a 2 browser sessions plan + a pay-as-you-go plan and there are already 2 browser sessions in progress Testable will still immediately run your test using your pay as you go plan.
billing_categories Only applicable if your account has multiple plans of different categories. A comma separated list of billing plan categories to help Testable choose between multiple plans to bill your test against when the cost would be the same utilizing more than one plan. Valid values: TestRunner, VU, BrowserSession, LiveSession, Monitor. The order of the options in the comma separated list will help Testable make the choice. Optional. Text

Setup test without running

Uses a multipart form upload to setup a new test configuration. It does not run the test yet though. Parameters are exactly the same as the /start API.

POST /setup

NOTE: Attribute note is not supported.

Manual start

Tests that were started with manual_start=true will simply sit and wait after the test runners are allocated and initialized. This route tells Testable to start executing the test across the test runners. This can be useful with on-demand test runners since we don’t know exactly how long AWS EC2 instances take to spin up. Start the test with manual_start=true well in advance of your desired test run time and when you trigger the manual start it will immediately start generating load.

PUT /executions/:id/start

Stop execution

Request to stop the execution before it completes. Note that once the execution is stopped it will take a little while before it has completed: true status due to cleanup, result aggregation, etc.

PUT /executions/:id/stop

Extend execution

Changes the duration or number of iterations this test will execute for. Propogates live to all test runners currently running the test. If the new duration/iterations has already passed the test will complete once the currently executing iteration is completed.

This only works for scenario types where Testable manages the concurrency (i.e. not JMeter or Gatling).

POST /executions/:executionId/live-extension

Request Body

For tests that are configured to run for a duration (in seconds):

   "newDuration": 360 

For tests that are configured to run for a certain number of iterations:

   "newIterations": 5