Route Description
GET /test-cases/:testCaseId/scripts Get list of scripts
GET /scripts/:id Get script details
POST /scripts/:id/run Run script to validate
POST /test-cases/:testCaseId/scripts Create script
HEAD /script/:id Check if script exists
PUT /scripts/:id Update script
DELETE /scripts/:id Delete script
POST /scripts/:id/copy Copy script
GET /scripts/:id/data-stores Get list of data stores
GET /data-stores/:id Get data store details
GET /data-stores/:id/download Download data store
GET /data-stores/:id/thumbnail Get thumbnail image for data store
GET /data-stores/:id/rows/:index Get row at a given index within a CSV
GET /data-stores/:id/rows/iterators/:iterator Get next N rows for the iterator of a CSV
POST /scripts/:script/data-stores/contents Upload data store contents
POST /scripts/:script/data-stores Upload data store via multi-part form upload
HEAD /data-stores/:id Check if data store exists
PUT /data-stores/:id/contents Update data store contents
PUT /data-stores/:id Update data store name
DELETE /data-stores/:id Delete data store


A scenario is the set of steps that define a use case we want to execute at scale. We provide various ways of definings a scenario. In the end no matter what method you use, a script is generated behind the scenes. Testable’s infrastructure knows how to execute scripts at scale under a configuration you define.

In order to create a configuration you need the script ID.

This page contains all routes related to scripts. Remember that you can also create a script with a recording.

Get list of scripts

Retrieve a list of all scripts within a given test case.

GET /test-cases/:testCaseId/scripts

Request Parameters

  • down: Whether to include the script contents and data stores. Defaults to false.
  • up: Whether or not to include the parent, the test case details. Defaults to false.

Sample Response


Get script details

Retrieve details about a specific script.

GET /scripts/:id

Request Parameters

  • down: Whether to include the script contents and data stores. Defaults to true.
  • up: Whether or not to include the parent, the test case or execution details. Defaults to true.

Sample Response

   "main":"\nvar dt ='symbols.csv');\ {\n  http.get('' +['Symbols']);\n});\n",

Run script to validate

Run the script for 1 iteration on 1 concurrent client on a Testable agent and return all results and logging.

POST /scripts/:id/run

Request Parameters

  • region: The region id where run the script. Use GET /regions to find the list of regions and their respective ids. Defaults to the ID of the AWS N. Virginia region. Both public and private regions are eligible for selection here.

Request Body

Optional set of script parameters. Only necessary if the script requires parameters.

	"Threads": "100"

Sample Response

         "message":"[aws-us-east-1] Symbol: MMM",

Create script

Creates a new script.

POST /test-cases/:testCaseId/scripts

To create a scenario we recommend using the [Simple API][(/api/simple.html)].

Check if script exists

HEAD /scripts/:id


HTTP Status: 200 OK or 404 NOT FOUND

Update script

To update a scenario we recommend using the Simple API.

Delete script

DELETE /scripts/:id


The deleted script

   "name":"New Name",

Copy script

Creates a copy of the scenario.

POST /scripts/:id/copy


  • name: Required. The name of the new scenario
  • targetTestCase: The ID of the test case to copy the scenario to. Defaults to the test case of the source scenario.
  • copyConfs: Whether or not to copy all test configurations that run this scenario. Defaults to false.

Get list of data stores

Retrieve a list of all data stores within a given script.

GET /scripts/:id/data-stores

Request Parameters

  • down: Whether to include the CSV headers in the response. Defaults to true.
  • up: Whether or not to include the script parent. Defaults to false.
  • includeRows: Whether or not to include all rows of the CSV in the response (structured as JSON). Defaults to false.

Sample Response


Get data store details

Retrieve details about a specific data store.

GET /data-stores/:id

Request Parameters

  • down: Whether to include the CSV headers in the response. Defaults to true.
  • up: Whether or not to include the script parent. Defaults to true.
  • includeRows: Whether or not to include all rows of the CSV in the response (structured as JSON). Defaults to false.

Sample Response


Download data store

Download the contents of the data store as a file.

GET /data-stores/:id/download

Request Parameters


Get thumbnail image for data store

Get the thumbnail image for this data store as an image file.

GET /data-stores/:id/thumbnail

Request Parameters


Get row at a given index within a CSV

Retrieves the row at a particular index within a CSV. Indices start at 1.

GET /data-stores/:id/rows/:index

Request Parameters

  • up: Whether or not to include the data store parent. Defaults to true.


   "rowData":"MMM,Some symbol"

Get next N rows for the iterator of a CSV

Useful if you want to iterate the CSV across a distributed set of processes like during a load test execution. Choose a unique name for your iterator and each call is guaranteed to return the next N (where N defaults to 1) rows. Iterators are removed after an hour without usage.

GET /data-stores/:id/rows/iterators/:iterator

Request Parameters

  • up: Whether or not to include the data store parent. Defaults to true.
  • wrap: Whether or not to wrap around to the start of the CSV when the end is reached. Defaults to true. If set to false and the end is reached, an error will be returned on all future calls using this iterator.
  • rows: Number of rows to return. Defaults to 1.


      "rowData":"ANF,Company name 1"
      "rowData":"ADBE,Company name 2"
      "rowData":"AMD,Company name 3"

Upload data store contents

Upload a data store file by providing a JSON that includes the file name and the base64 encoded contents. The file type will be inferred based on the extension of the file name following standard mime type mappings.

POST /scripts/:id/data-stores/contents

Request Body

   "name": "symbols.csv",
   "contents": "[base64_encoded_contents]"


      "name":"Default Scenario",

Upload data store via multi-part form upload

Upload a data store file following a standard HTTP multi part upload format. If a data store already exists for this scenario with the same name it will update it otherwise a new data store will be created.

POST /scripts/:id/data-stores


            "name":"Default Scenario",

Check if data store exists

HEAD /data-stores/:id


HTTP Status: 200 OK or 404 NOT FOUND

Update data store contents

Update the data store name and contents by providing a JSON that includes the file name and the base64 encoded contents. If either the name or contents are not included, the current value for that field will be maitained. The file type will be inferred based on the extension of the file name following standard mime type mappings.

PUT /data-stores/:id/contents

Request Body

   "name": "symbols.csv",
   "contents": "[base64_encoded_contents]"


      "name":"Default Scenario",

Update data store name

Update the data store name. To overwrite the data store with a new one, use the upload data stores endpoint.

PUT /data-stores/:id

Request Body

	"name": "new.csv"



Delete data store

DELETE /data-stores/:id


The deleted data store
