Puppeteer Environment

When Testable runs your Puppeteer test the following environment variables are passed into your test:

  • OUTPUT_DIR: A local directory to output any files you want to collect as part of the test results.
  • TESTABLE_EXECUTION_ID: The unique ID of this test case execution.
  • TESTABLE_CHUNK_ID: Each test runner within a test execution is assigned a unique chunk ID.
  • TESTABLE_REGION_NAME: The name of the region in which the test plan is executing (e.g. aws-us-east-1).
  • TESTABLE_GLOBAL_CLIENT_INDEX: A unique identifier for each virtual user within the execution. Starts at 0.
  • TESTABLE_REGIONAL_CLIENT_INDEX: A unique identifier for each virtual user within this region of the execution. Starts at 0.
  • TESTABLE_CONCURRENT_CLIENTS: Total number of virtual users globally configured for this test execution.
  • TESTABLE_ITERATION: Per virtual user, which iteration of the test scenario you are currently on. Starts at 0.
  • TESTABLE_ITERATION_ID: A globally unique uuid that is unique per virtual user scenario test iteration.
  • TESTABLE_ITERATION_UID: A unique id (across the test execution) for a virtual user scenario test iteration. For OpenFin testing this value is appended to the app’s uuid and security realm.
  • TESTABLE_UNIQUE_INDEX: A unique index per virtual user test iteration. Starts at 0.