JMeter Options

JMeter scenarios have various options available. This document describes each option in detail.



Includes the basic setup to define your scenario:

  • Files: Upload all files required to run your test plan, including the test plan itself. All files will be downloaded to the test runner at runtime and be available in the current directory of the JMeter process. Check the “split CSVs across test runners” to have any uploaded CSV split up across test runners when running your test.

  • Test Plans: You must upload one or more a JMeter test plans (*.jmx files). If multiple test plans are selected they will be distributed across the JMeter instances that are part of a test configuration. For example if you select two test plans a test configuration with JMeter Instances = 4, then two of the JMeter instances will run the first test plan and two will run the second. If you have less JMeter instances in your test configuration than selected test plans, then not all the test plans will be run.

  • JMeter Version: Which version of the JMeter application to use. Currently, versions 5.6.2, 5.5, 5.4.2, 5.3, 5.2.1, 5.1, 5.0 and 4.0 are supported. Please contact us to request other version added.

  • Sub Results: Whether or not to capture sub-results as a separate resource (i.e. label) or to aggregate within the same resource as the parent result. If you to capture sub-results as a separate resource, the second checkbox allows you to choose whether the resource name should include the parent label as a prefix.



There are quite a few ways to load properties into your JMeter runtime environment. Testable supports most of these. We try to provide sensible defaults for everything but feel free to override anything you want.

  • System Properties: Specify Java system properties in the format -Dfoo=bar -Dabc=def. Inside your JMeter test plan these are available using the ${__P(foo,defaultVal)} syntax.
  • JMeter Properties: Specify JMeter properties in the format -Jaaa=bbb. Inside your JMeter test plan these are available using the ${__P(aaa,defaultVal)} syntax. These are often used to initialize JMeter plugins or other extras.
  • System Properties Files: Just like above except upload a system properties file with one or more settings. NOTE that these files do not have to be uploaded. You can use a remote URL like
  • JMeter Properties Files: Just like above except upload a JMeter properties file with one or more settings. NOTE that these files do not have to be uploaded. You can use a remote URL like

JMeter JARs

Feel free to upload JAR files for JMeter plugins, utilities, and dependencies to your scenario. Then in this section of the scenario choose which JARs you want to put in the plugin directory (i.e. lib/ext) and which to put in the utilities and dependencies directory (i.e. lib).



Parameterize your scenario and use it across many test configurations . Parameters are passed to your JMeter test plan runtime as JMeter properties (i.e. -J options) and can be referenced using the ${__P(paramName,defaultVal)} syntax.

This can be useful for controlling the number of threads, duration, ramp up time, etc.

Read more about scenario parameters here.