Route Description
GET /test-cases Get list of test cases
GET /test-cases/:testCaseId Get test case details
GET /new-summary Get test case summaries
POST /test-cases Create test case
HEAD /test-cases/:testCaseId Check if test case exists
PUT /test-cases/:testCaseId Update test case
DELETE /test-cases/:testCaseId Delete test case
POST /test-cases/:testCaseId/copy Copy test case


API routes related to test cases. A test case is a grouping for a related set of configurations, scenarios, gateways, and metric definitions. Think of it like a workspace for grouping related load test configurations and scenarios.

Get list of test cases

Retrieve a list of all test cases to which you have access.

GET /test-cases

Request Parameters

  • down: Whether to include all child objects including scenarios, configurations, gateways, and metric definitions. Defaults to false.
  • deep: Whether to include the child objects of all children (e.g. test executions). Defaults to false.

Sample Response

      "name":"Script Demo",
      "name":"DB Test",

Get test case details

Retrieve details about a specific test case.

GET /test-cases/:testCaseId

Request Parameters

  • down: Whether to include all child objects including scenarios, configurations, gateways, and metric definitions. Defaults to true.
  • deep: Whether to include the child objects of all children (e.g. test executions). Defaults to true.
  • up: Whether or not to include the parent, the organization details. Defaults to true.
  • includeRunning: Whether or not to include a list of currently running test executions within this test case. Defaults to true.

Sample Response

   "name":"Script Demo",
         "description":"[\"2,000 Concurrent Clients Per Test\",\n\"25GB Bandwidth Per Test\",\n\"Unlimited Requests Per Test\",\n\"Unlimited Test Duration\",\n\"Unlimited Results Retention\",\n\"25GB Storage\",\n\"Gold Email Support\"]"
            "name":"Script Demo",
         "name":"5 Users",
               "description":"AWS N. Virginia",
                        "description":"AWS N. Virginia",
            "name":"Default Scenario",
         "name":"Default Scenario",
            "name":"Script Demo",

Get test case summaries

Get a summary of all test cases including the latest execution. Includes details of any currently running tests and any tests that are scheduled to run later.

GET /new-summary

Request Parameters

  • includeLatestExecution: Whether or not to include the latest execution. Defaults to true.


   "testCases": [
         "name":"Script Demo",
   "running": [],
   "scheduled": []

Create test case

Creates a new test case. Must specify your organization ID which can be found using the GET /orgs/:name route. If a test case with the same name already exists it will update and return the existing test case.

POST /test-cases

Request Body

	"name": "New Test Case",
	"org": 3,
   "description": "Optional description with **markdown** support"


  "name":"New Test Case",
         "description":"[\"2,000 Concurrent Clients Per Test\",\n\"25GB Bandwidth Per Test\",\n\"Unlimited Requests Per Test\",\n\"Unlimited Test Duration\",\n\"Unlimited Results Retention\",\n\"25GB Storage\",\n\"Gold Email Support\"]"

Check if test case exists

HEAD /test-cases/:testCaseId


HTTP Status: 200 OK or 404 NOT FOUND

Update test case

Update the test case name. The name must be unique within your account.

PUT /test-cases/:testCaseId

Request Body

	"name": "New Name"


  "name":"New Name",

Delete test case

DELETE /test-cases/:testCaseId


The deleted test case

  "name":"New Name",

Copy test case

Copy a test case including all artifacts it contains (scenarios, confs, recordings, etc).

POST /test-cases/:testCaseId/copy


  • name: Required. The name of the new test case.
  • targetOrg: The organization to copy this test case to. Defaults to the current organization of the source test case.


  "name":"New Test Case"